Archive for the ‘Windows’ Category

Here’s a quick and simple solution to getting a VirtualBox VM to start on boot in MS Windows. Create a new batch script with Notepad. Enter the following code, changing to include the name of your VM. Save and close your file. Now click and drag it from where you saved it, over the Start […]

Made a little progress tonight, in that the cause of the problem has been isolated. The screen seems fine. The backlight flashes, and doesn’t display any of the typical cracked LCD colours. Yet at least. The VGA port works fine. However, “booting” to Vista on an external screen gives pure blackness. I get to see […]

Ok, I’m sure I’ve posted this before. Perhaps a longer method? Either way, I can’t find it, and I needed this info today. In that light, thanks to Kevin’s Blog for helping me find it. Thanks to a new little tool from Microsoft, this is now incredibly easy. First, download the ImagingMaster API, which is required […]