Archive for the ‘HowTo’ Category

In this how to we’re going to setup an FTP server on our CentOS machine. Now, before we begin, a word of warning. FTP is inherently insecure and may cause your server to become vulnerable to attack. Consider using FTP with SSL, or SFTP, FTP over SSH. Follow this tutorial at your own risk. Install […]

Here’s a quick and simple solution to getting a VirtualBox VM to start on boot in MS Windows. Create a new batch script with Notepad. Enter the following code, changing to include the name of your VM. Save and close your file. Now click and drag it from where you saved it, over the Start […]

This tutorial will outline how to install and configure a VNC Server on CentOS, similar to the Ubuntu VNC HowTo I did a while back. This is particularly useful on headless servers, where you or other users still want to interact with a GUI. Install the Packages To install the VNC Server, open a terminal, […]

One of the handiest features of Compiz is having multiple workspaces, anywhere from 2 to 1024 (for the extreme multi-tasker). By default, you can switch through workspaces by using Control + Alt + Left/Right. However I find it’s far quicker to switch workspaces by just spinning your mouse wheel. To do so (presuming you have […]

My HowTo on fixing an EXT partition in Ubuntu is by far my most popular post, pulling in new visitors everyday. The only reason I wrote it is because it was something that happened to me now and again. But what about dual boots? What happens when your NTFS drive goes beserk, and you only […]

This howto is selfish, in that it is for me only. It is so that I can remember how to set Compiz up in the way I like best. You may or may not find this of any use. I know I will 🙂 Virtual Desktops In “General Options”, change Desktop Size to 5 horizontal, […]

I, like many people, access my servers, and in fact, almost every other computer in my house, through SSH. I’ve previously set up the correct port forwarding to port 22, and installed and configured ddclient on my server, in order to be able to SSH into it from a web address. One thing I forgot […]

Just a quick note lest I need it again later. It’s possible to change the framebuffer (think of it as console resolution) in Debian and probably Ubuntu, by modifying GRUB’s default settings. In your favourite editor, open up /etc/grub.d/00_header Navigate down to line 126. You should see something like this, Add the following line ” set […]

I’d intended on doing a HowTo on setting up a VPN server in Ubuntu, but I’ve yet to get it working, so for now, this will do 🙂 Now, to begin. Imagine you want to port a tunnel on server (the machine you can SSH into), to your laptop, say port 5901, a VNC port. […]

I’ve been promising this HowTo for a while, so here it finally is 🙄 Apt-Cacher-NG is an apt proxy. It caches the packages you download locally each time you update your system. Why bother you might ask? Well, if you have multiple computers using the proxy, you save on bandwidth by not having to download […]