Archive for the ‘Server’ Category

Here’s a quick and simple solution to getting a VirtualBox VM to start on boot in MS Windows. Create a new batch script with Notepad. Enter the following code, changing to include the name of your VM. Save and close your file. Now click and drag it from where you saved it, over the Start […]

Seeing as I’m just rebuilding my server at the moment, I’m starting to remember a number of commands that I’ve not used in quite a while. Here’s three dead handy commands that deal with hard drives and filesystems. Seriously, how I ever forgot them, I’ll never know 🙄 The first is the simplest. It shows […]

Remember I’ve been complaining for a while about the problems I’d been having with via_sata cards and Linux? No? Well, in summary, they don’t work well together, causing lock ups and cryptic error messages. And remember how I said I’d gotten some lovely free motherboards and various other bits and pieces? Well, as it turned […]

I, like many people, access my servers, and in fact, almost every other computer in my house, through SSH. I’ve previously set up the correct port forwarding to port 22, and installed and configured ddclient on my server, in order to be able to SSH into it from a web address. One thing I forgot […]

I was just browsing through the Ubuntu Forums, and found this post with a little line of bash, which apparently shows the number of failed logins per day. It’s a tad frightening. If it’s to be believed, 6 days ago, my little server had over 1800 failed logins >.< If anyone could shed some light on […]



First and foremost, I hope everyone had a great St Patrick’s Day yesterday 🙂 Secondly, the RAID card in An-Lar has started to play up more often, leaving the drive inaccessible for long periods of time. S0 much so, that I’ve currently got it shut off, something I do not do. I’ve been in contact […]

I’ve been promising this HowTo for a while, so here it finally is 🙄 Apt-Cacher-NG is an apt proxy. It caches the packages you download locally each time you update your system. Why bother you might ask? Well, if you have multiple computers using the proxy, you save on bandwidth by not having to download […]

A New Badge


If you’ve ever visited this site (which unless you’re magic, you must have to be able to read this), you’ll know that I like badges, from my Ubuntu User Number, my TeamUbuntu Folding@Home badge, and of course, my Ad-Free Blog badge. Now, I’ve got a new one, thanks to the guys over at DailyPost (which […]



Another quick post, just to update on An-Lar, late at night, when by right I should be sleeping. Like I said, I swapped the 500 GB and 1TB drives into System64, where they both function fine. I rsynced over most of the data on the TB to the smaller drive (rsync is such a fantastic […]

A Promise


I did promise earlier on in a comment to do a HowTo on setting up Apt-Cacher-NG on Ubuntu Server, that HowTo then being my post for PostaWeek. However, this week has been incredibly hectic and full of unexpected twists, taking a turn for the worse yesterday when I realised my server had crashed. And crashed […]